I have just realised it has been an age since I last posted, probably because I have been busy but mostly because I have cut back on work a lot to spend more time doing the things I realy enjoy like writing. I have written my first novel (small applause!) and started on my next, but more of that in a forthcoming blog...
So what have I been doing?
Maokwo Impact Report
Well, I have helped Maokwo with the design of their current Impact Report. Maokwo is a change-making organisation that exists to break the generational barriers and high walls that divide people, based on skin colour, geographical location and status.

Maokwo was born of the experiences of its Founder and Creative Director, Laura Nyahuye, an artist from Zimbabwe who came to the UK in 2002. She acknowledges coming face to face with labels like: the other, the migrant, the asylum-seeker, the refugee. Laura is well regarded as the designer of the Queens Baton used in the relay at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022.
You can find out more about Maokwo here.
Holistic Coaching School website
I have also just designed a new Wix website for the Holistic Coaching School. With the success of her personal coaching business, Eileen McCotter, one of the 1% of UK coaches awarded an Accredited Fellow by the International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring, wanted to grow her skills and develop a new way forward to reach even more people to support and train.

Eileen wanted a clean and uncluttered new website, that is easy to navigate with information that is easy to understand and images that are relevant and not just placed to fill out the site. Her aim is to support and bring other coaches in to work alongside her in creating a quality online school to support more people to understand the ego, its role in resisting change and how to overcome the issues, all in a holistic way, both for individuals and personal coaches.
The website will go live very soon!
Human Elements website
Another website I have been working on is SP Human Elements, a new global company based in Sweden, that offers systems for Safety Critical Industry professionals featuring the tools, techniques and training to support organisations and people.

Doctor Sharon Pickering, is an internationally recognised Human Factors expert with extensive experience across safety critical industries. Her multidisciplinary education, flying experience, and expertise in state-of-the-art technology integration uniquely places her to understand and solve Human Factors challenges.
Her global career has spanned NASA Ames to Warwick Medical School. She has personally observed extraordinary professional skills in complex settings like air-to-air refueling and brain surgery. Sharon is an accomplished author, a HealthTech innovation advisor, and a training creator for healthcare provider self-care and resilience.
This website will also go live soon!
Gnome of 1 kind website
And yet another lovely website where you will be able to find a range of personalised handmade gnomes and gonks, all handcrafted individualy for you! No gnome is the same, each one has been lovingly hand created to bring joy and company. The website will feature a marketplace where you can see and purchase the gnomes direct as well as provide a calendar where you will be able to see them in the flesh (or should that be fabric!) at many craft markets and fairs around the country.

Social History Curators Group newsletter

The latest newsletter has been designed, printed, delivered and posted out to a growing group of museum professionals, enthusiast and volunteers that really do want to make a difference to the curating profession. Its always a joy to put the newsletter together, lots of interesting articles to read about museum collections and the thoughts and efforts that goes into displaying them. This spring issue covers a variety of subjects from the fashions of our posties to magical pagan objects.
The Social History in Museums annual journal, an 80+ printed page edition will be produced and published later this year.
Find out more at https://www.shcg.org.uk